
Friday 24 July 2020

Spaghetti Bolognese Recipe

Spaghetti Bolognese Recipe
  • Write a recipe on how to make spaghetti bolognese. 
  • These instructions are for someone who has never made spaghetti bolognese. You will need to make sure they are detailed instructions that give step-by-step directions. 


1 .1 tbsp olive oil
2. 4 rashers smoked streaky bacon finely chopped 
3. 2 medium onion finely chopped
4. Carrots trimmed and finely chopped 
5. 2 celery sticks finely chopped
6. 2 garlic cloves finely chopped
7. 2-3 spring onions rosemary leaves picked and finely chopped
8. 500g beef mence

Italy Food

4 facts

Thursday 23 July 2020

math task




  1. Watch the first 20 seconds - how is the girl feeling?  What makes you think that? 
  2. What might she be doing?

  1. Pause just before a minute - how has the girl's feelings changed? Why do you think that is?
  2. What might she have lost? What could she do now that may help?

  1. Pause again at 1.42 - Has the girl's feelings changed even more now?
  2. Why do you think that maybe?

  1. Once the giraffe appears - are you shocked why? How does the girl feel now?

Word Bank: What ‘Wow’ words can you use for your writing?


From watching the video and answering the questions above -
choose 1 writing activity: 

Start Writing below:

If you want to see beautiful animals you would want to go and visit the
national park of gran sasso-laga in abruzzo.
If you decide to visit the national park of Gran sasso-laga in Abruzzo you
should be able to see a wild cat or  If you are heading to the national park
of gran sasso-laga in abruzzo you should be able to see eagles in the sky.
If you are lucky enough you could be able to see a great white shark at the

Italy Animals

4 fact

Friday 3 July 2020


the blue whale

perimeter 2

the blue whale

4 facts

the blue whale

Blue Whale

WALT: explain my ideas.

Blue Whales are beautiful creatures. They are the biggest sea animal
in the world. Unfortunately, some people like to take Blue Whales for their
meat, or to put them in zoos. What do you think about this?

Task 1: Watch the video clip on the site. Make sure you watch carefully
so you can see what a Blue Whale looks like.

Task 2: Brainstorm using some of your senses. What can you see/hear/feel
if you were to ever see a Blue Whale? How might you be feeling?

In this table, write the descriptive words that you would be able to see/hear/smell/touch/taste.
What can I see?
What can I hear?
What can I touch/feel?
What is in its environment?
Flat wheel
Load crashing splash
Rough skin
Ocean seas

Need some help? - make sure that you are using your own words… if you happen to find a word that
you don’t know the meaning of, search what it means and then you can use them in your writing!

Task 3: Choose one of the statements from below and write from that
perspective: Highlight the perspective.
  • Blue Whales should be kept in their natural habitat.
  • People should be able to capture Blue Whales for food or to put them in
  • zoos.

Bronze Medal: 3 paragraphs
Silver Medal: 4 paragraphs
Gold Medal: 5 paragraphs

Start writing here:
The blue whale can grow up to 30 metres and weigh about 200 tonnes.The
blue whale can hold its breath around 50 seconds.

you can find the blue whale in the major ocean.
The blue whale is one of the largest and biggest animals and its heart in the
size of a car.They look like a big shark but with no fin on its back and they
SCIENTIFIC NAME balaenoptera musculus They eat fish and plates and
they eat up to 8,000 lbs.


Thursday 2 July 2020


great white shark

great white shark

Great White Shark

WALT: use our senses to make our writing more interesting.

Imagine one day you have been called by SeaWorld asking you to introduce
their new sea animal. Can you do the job?

Task 1: Watch the video clip on the site. Make sure you watch carefully so
you can see what Great White Sharks look like, and what you might say when
you are introducing them.

Task 2: Brainstorm some ideas about what you can say about a Great White

In this table, write the descriptive words that you would be able to see/hear/smell/touch/taste.
What can I see?
What can I hear?
What can I touch/feel?
What is in its environment?
Sharp teeth
Big splashes
Rough like sandpaper
Deep sea waters

Need some help? - make sure that you are using your own words… if you happen to find a word that you
don’t know the meaning of, search what it means and then you can use them in your writing!

Task 3: You will need to write an introduction for a Great White Shark.
It needs to be at least 150 words.

Start writing here:
 The great white shark is almost bigger than a bus and it is one of the biggest
animals in the ocean and it is 20 feet and weighing up to 5,000 pounds have
been recorded.

 The great white shark eats a lot of things; it eats sea lions and seals small
toothed whales and sea turtles and carrion.The great white shark can live for
70 years.The great white shark can hold its breath for 57 seconds.


great white shark

the great white shark

Wednesday 1 July 2020

math angles

Giant Pacific Octopus

Giant Pacific octopus

Giant Pacific Octopus

WALT: use our senses to make our writing more interesting.

Can you describe what a day in the life of a Giant Pacific Octopus is?

Task 1: Watch the video clip on the site. Make sure you watch carefully
so you can see what Giant Pacific Octopus look like.

Task 2: Brainstorm using some of your senses. What can you see/hear/feel
if you were to ever see a Giant Pacific Octopus? Think about the shape of
the Octopus, what you think it’s skin might feel like. Take a note of its
environment. What does an Octopus need to survive?

In this table, write the descriptive words that you would be able to see/hear/smell/touch/taste.
What can I see?
What can I hear?
What can I touch/feel?
What is in its environment?
Squishy noises

Need some help? - make sure that you are using your own words… if you happen to find a word that
you don’t know the meaning of, search what it means and then you can use them in your writing!

Task 3: Write a description about what a day in the life of a Giant Pacific
Octopus is.

Start writing here:
 The giant pacific octopus is one of the largest octopus in the
Every 7 months females lay eggs and they lay about 74,000.
After females lay eggs they shortly will die and Sometimes they
like to be alone.they eat fish and crabs and sometimes baby
and baby shark.
