
Monday, 29 March 2021

Creative Writing

The image I chose is:

My Brainstorm/Ideas

The purpose of my writing: A description, an explanation, a narrative, to persuade, a recount or a combination of different text formats

Write a maximum of 4 or 5 paragraphs to present your best writing ever!
Think about how you will engage your reader - vivid vocabulary, dazzling dialogue,
detailed descriptions, or a personal point of view!

Starting your writing here… it  was the 21th of october when I woke up early morning and got out of bed and looked under the bed and I saw big boxes under my bed so I went under to the back of the wall and tried to pull it but it was too heavy. so I thought it was going to be 1,000,000$ dollars so I got back up and went to my brother's room and got him to help me to get the box. when we pulled the box out we opened it and we saw the scrays thing I ever seen in the whole world it was a dead body. Then me and my brother looked at each other and ran out of the room and told my mum and dad so we all went outside but my mum and dad. they went to my room and they saw the dead body then she rang the police and then she noted that the dead body looked like the prison in the picture in the newspaper so they got out the house.

 When the police arvie my parents told them all about it and even the dead body that looked like the prison in the picture. so the police went into the room and didn't find the box then they went through every bed room, the toilet and the bathroom and they found the big box in the living room next to the tv.  They thought my parents said it was in the room next to the front door so they opened the box and saw the dead body then they went to look for the picture and found it.  it looked like the body in the box so they went back outside and  then the police said to the mum and dad I thought it was in the room next to the front door and my mum said ya it was in the room. so we all got scared but the cops got a little scared so the cops called more backup just in case there are people in the house. so we don’t get shot and killed  then they call the ambulance so my mum and dad  and my brother and sister and me got taken in the cop car to wait until they get here.

When the cops and ambulance arvie the other cop told everything that he knew to them after they all went to Search the whole house. When they finished searching the bathroom,  toilet and the bedroom and the living room they checked the Basement under the house but when they were in the basement at the end they all heard the door Slam and lock. then they ran to the door and kicked the door open then they went looking for him then they all knew people were here. Then the cop hears leaves Crunch so they all start running after him when the prison was running away he trips over and then he tries to get up but he gets caught. Then he got handcuffed and went in with the other cop then he got taken  to jail then the ambulance  to take the dead body.

                                                           The end


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